Monday, June 18, 2007

Falklands War and UK offer to mediate peace in Sri Lanka

10,000 veterans of the Falklands war congregated to commemorate 25 years since the end of war in the South Atlantic islands of Falklands ,also known as Malvinas to the Argentinians.

An air-show featuring aircraft's that played a role in the conflict followed a moving ceremony of speeches and music that was attended by Prince Charles and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

The war came to an end on 14 June 1982, two and half months after the UK territory was invaded by Argentina. Some 255 British servicemen, more than 650 Argentines were killed in the 74-day conflict.

On the eve of the celebration, outgoing UK PM Mr.Tony Blair offered to mediate between the GoSL and the LTTE in a bid to kick start the currently dormant peace process. although UK has played an active part in the governments search for peace and the International Communities support for such a search, UK by far has done nothing to stop the LTTEs murderous campaign of terror , both on its own people and the rest of the people of Sri Lanka.furthermore , Tamil terrorist supporters and agents in UK continues to play a major role in financing , coordinating and controlling the LTTEs rain of terror.

While UK celebrates a war they waged to wrestle power back to them of a colony of its own in South America , they preach us about peaceful dialogue and need to find peaceful means to end conflicts. I'm not a expert on Falklands war but I'm sure Mrs.Thacher ,then PM of UK didn't send a party of Politicians and Dilpomants to Bounos Aires to have peace talks ,or requested the UN to intervene , instead she dispatched a massive flotilla of ships and bombers to hit hard and wage war and wrestle back the control of Falklands.

After 25 years of that war , UK still hasn't admitted their inclination to war and not apologised to the families of the Argentinians killed during the war. for the UK government , Argentinian dead were combatants and the road to war was the only choice they had. be it may be , but when third world governments, particularly Countries that fall under the UKs spare of influence face threats Domestic and International ,they tend to turn around and play the role of 'Peace maker', the great believer in dialogue and discussion.

Was this the case for Falklands? why the Foreign Office and the Parliament of UK didn't request PM Thacher to sit down with the Argentinians , instead of bombing them ?

it all depends on who is fighting whom, if you're a big power, or a NATO member , or part of the G8 then you're exempted, if your nobody , like Sri Lanka today, then we have no option but to discuss peace and search for 'Peaceful Solutions to War" .there is no Peaceful solution to War , nor there is a space for discussion with people who practice terrorism as a means to justify their political demands.

The West, the so called IC understand that dictum very well , but in their zero sum/cost-benefit game they tend to tell us otherwise. so enter Mr.Blair. the Peace Maker in making... i wonder what will happen to Mr.Erik Soilham then... will he join the LTTE international Secretariat and continue to play the role of Antone Balasingham in proxy ?

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