Friday, June 6, 2008

Sunila Abeysekera ..where are you?

another day , another bomb and many more innocent civilians dead and we all know its not the Karuna group or the Sri Lankan Army thats behind it. there is no other entity in Sri Lanka , other than the blood thirsty LTTE of Prabakaran who takes pride in massacre innocent civilians.

the LTTE has marked another victory in their campaign to wipe out innocent civilians from the Sri Lankan soil and that campaign is gaining momentum .by looking at the innocent and unarmed victims of the bomb in a public bus in Kattubedda,Moratuwa today all i have to ask is where are you Sunila Abeysekera?

where are you?

are deaf today? did you not hear the bomb?

or may be your' in US , talking to the UN about defending Human Rights in Sri Lanka.

either way Sunila , thank you for all the things you have done for defending Human Rights in Sri Lanka and we are proud of you for winning so many awards for defending rights...

just one small question...

do innocent civilians living outside LTTE controlled territory have human rights?


sittingnut said...

peaceniks like sunila abeysekera should answer why they oppose and denounce attempts to defeat ltte terrorist.
all those who support protection of human rights should support attempts to defeat ltte (which will continue to violate rights, including right to life as long as it exits).
sunila abeysekera by doing the opposite has shown that she does not care for human rights and is a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Please add your blog to so that others can see your writings. Other Lankans need to head what you have to say! And I totally agree with you, and am wondering where Sunila is.