Thursday, February 7, 2008

War to end by April (2008?) -Kohona

a friend of mine sent me an e-mail and i want to reproduce a portion of it below...
" I met Dr. Palitha Kohona (Foreign Secretary) a couple of days ago and
during the conversation he said that if all goes well, by April the
war should be over. I hope this is true. What do you think? Am I an
idiot or is this possible? You can respond with one word. Just say
'idiot' or 'possible'. Based on the feed back, I hope to write
something about the war
i sure hope this is true and pray this happens. i just want to see the end of the LTTE and its genocidal war against people of Sri Lanka.


sittingnut said...

personally i think april is too early.
in fact i don't like this timetable setting by the government, if they are doing that, which is not certain ; these timetable claims are mostly anecdotal .
what is needed is certain commitment to defeat ltte terrorists even if it takes more time than one year and even if there are political costs.

anyway there is no reason to doubt that gosl will probably get rid of ltte's main territorial bases during next year or two . though ltte will probably survive as a small group in hiding, setting off bombs occasionally, well into the future. but once its ability to control ppl directly is lost it will be very weak. and as long as gosl encourages emergence of a democratic tamil leadership ltte can be kept weak.

a legitimate political solution will emerge only after emergence of democratic tamil leaders and after realistic negotiations with all interest groups in sri lanka. that will take work every body including tamils will have compromise. all else now touted about political solutions is mere propaganda and hot air

first step, defeat ltte criminals ( meaning reduce it to a small group in hiding ) no matter how long it takes

Anonymous said...

Idiot to both Kohona and Sittingnut.

Anonymous said...

USA gave similar ulimatums for Iraq. They were bogged in Vietnam for more than 2 decades. What they couldn't do SL is going to do! Sweet dreams.

sittingnut said...

curious how some terrorist supporters in blogs make the same false analogy with iarq. may be they only read american history from american liberal viewpoint and cannot understand that this is a different war with different specifics
for their information- many terrorist and guerrilla groups ( both racist and communist) have been defeated in many countries; peru, turkey, greece, indonesia, algeria, several central american countries, to name a few. esp in cases where the gvt is not a foreign puppet.

btw the reference in post is not to an ultimatum but to possible timetable for victory of which i am skeptical.( both regard to its existence and for its possibility )

Unknown said...

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